
Smartisan Apps

Smartisan Service, Smilling Cloud, Smartisan BBS

Smartisan Service is my major project during the work in Smartisan. It's an app for making clear how to use Smartisan OS in short time, which includes Questions, Feature Guiding, Mall and Moible Service. It helps Smartisan team to get close to users.

锤子服务是我在锤子科技期间主要负责的一款产品,负责内容包括了该产品UI上的设计以及开发的跟进。该 App 集成了常见问题、功能介绍、锤子商城和手机服务四个板块。方便用户买到产品之后一站式地了解以及咨询锤子手机令人愉悦的功能,更加紧密地连接用户与锤子科技。

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Smilling Cloud 欢喜云


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Contact List Synchronizing 联系人同步

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Smartisan Notes 云便签

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Find My Phone 查找手机

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Smartisan BBS 锤子科技论坛


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